
Area Zinc is an online publication created with the purpose of promoting art, putting together different artists in a quarterly mag in order to promote their work and share them with the rest of the world.

this online magazine, run by Zinc-Studio, provides a free platform for exhibiting the work of any kind of artists – painters, photographers, illustrators, designers, sculpturers, musicians, etc.

the objective of Area Zinc is to present only the work itself and nothing more; we don’t want to give any kind of written content that could influence the visitor further than the immediate emotional response that the work itself prompts.


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en julio del 2007, Zinc Studio con el propósito de promover el arte, crea una publicación online, Area Zinc, cuyo obejtivo es el de reunir trimestralmente en torno a un tema pre-establecido, diversos artistas para compartir y dar a concoer su obra personal.

esta publicación online, provee un espacio gratuito para la exhibición de todo tipo de artistas – pintores, fotógrafos, ilustradores, escultores, músicos, entre otros.

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  1. Pingback: SUGGESTED / AREA-ZINC / 3RD ANNIVERSARY @ area-zinc.com | wasapix.com / pix&visuals situationally subjectively suggested

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